Conference Series LLC Ltd invites all participants from around the world to attend the 13th World Summit on Aquaculture and Fisheries from May 28-29, 2022. This global conference features quick presentations, oral lectures, poster presentations and exhibits.
Conference Series LLC Ltd invites all participants from around the world to attend the 13th World Summit on Aquaculture and Fisheries from May 28-29, 2022. This global conference features quick presentations, oral lectures, poster presentations and exhibits.
13th Global Summit on Aquaculture and Fisheries

Those with submitted Abstracts will get an Acknowledgment mail enabling them to enroll for the gathering.
Abstracts will be compiled, and conference books are made available to participants at the conference. Any presenter who is unable to attend should arrange for another qualified individual to present the paper/poster in question. If such a change is necessary, please notify our conference team
13th Global Summit on Aquaculture & Fisheries

On the Japanese island of Honshu, Osaka is a big port city and economic center. It's recognized for its cutting-edge architecture, vibrant nightlife, and substantial street fare. Its principal historical monument is the 16th-century shogun ate Osaka Castle, which has undergone many restorations. A moat and a park with plum, peach, and cherry-blossom trees surround it. Sumiyoshi-taisha is one of the earliest Shinto temples in Japan.
13th Global Summit on Aquaculture & Fisheries
Theme: Sustainable Development In The Field Of Aquaculture
Aquaculture 2022
Conference Series LLC Ltd invites all participants from around the world to attend the 13th World Summit on Aquaculture and Fisheries from May 28-29, 2022. This global conference features quick presentations, oral lectures, poster presentations and exhibits.
Conference Series LLC Ltd hosts over 3,000 global events, including over 300 conferences, over 500 upcoming and previous symposia and workshops in the United States, Europe, and Asia with the support of an additional 1,000 scientific societies.
Fisheries conference that brings together a unique and international mix of experts, such as aquaculture engineers, researchers and policy makers from academia and industry around the world to exchange knowledge, experience and innovations in research at its world conference on aquaculture, aquaculture is considered the breeding of aquatic organisms, including fish, molluscs, crustaceans and aquatic plants. Agriculture involves some form of intervention in the breeding process to improve production, such as regular storage, feeding, protection from predators, production gains from various parts of the world and the share that comes from of aquaculture. Aquaculture plays an important role in ensuring a sufficient supply of nutritious food to feed the growing world population. However, this requires a corresponding increase in the feed supply.
Aquaculture Conference offers the following advantages:
• Facilitates an effective gathering and discourse among those involved in innovative activities in fisheries and aquaculture at national and international levels.
• Maximize the exchange of knowledge, experience and research progress on relevant topics, which will result in the maximum use, cultivation, conservation and development of aquatic resources.
• Encourage young researchers and scientists to conduct improved studies and research that will open new avenues for a better world.
• Attempts to expand cooperation between relevant governmental and non-governmental institutions
• Aims to raise public awareness by discussing various advances and challenges in the aquaculture and fisheries sector and also by promoting innovative products and services through exhibitions
Why to attend???
With members from all over the world focused on learning about fishing and aquaculture and its advances; this is your best opportunity to reach the largest gathering of participants from the aquaculture and fishing community. Host presentations, distribute information, meet current and potential scientists, make a splash with new developments in aquaculture and receive name recognition during this 2-day event. World-renowned speakers, the latest techniques, developments and the latest updates in aquaculture and fisheries are hallmarks of this conference.
The Fisheries Conference expects participants from aquaculture and fisheries scientists, researchers, academics, students, businesses and corporations.
Who Should Attend and Target Audience 2022:
Directors/Senior Directors/Executive Directors and Vice Presidents/Senior Vice Presidents/Executive Vice Presidents and Heads/Leaders/Partners of
· CROs and CMOs
· Directors, CEO’s of Organizations
· R&D Researchers from Aquaculture & Fisheries Industries
· Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors
· PhD Scholars
· Noble laureates in Aquaculture, Fisheries and Marine biology
· Marine biology Professionals
· Aquaculture & Fisheries Colleges
· Aquaculture & Fisheries Faculty
· Research Institutes and members
· Aquaculture & Fisheries industries
· Marine biology Professionals
· Aquaculture & Fisheries Students, Scientists
· Manufacturing Companies and Supply Chain Companies
· Business Entrepreneurs
· Aquaculture & Fisheries Associations and Societies
· Aquaculture & Fisheries Training Institutes
Track 1: Aquaculture
Aquaculture is breeding, raising, and harvesting fish, shellfish, and submarine shops. Principally, it's tilling in water.U.S. monoculture is an environmentally responsible source of food and marketable products, helps to produce healthier territories, and is used to rebuild stocks of hovered or risked species
Benefits A recent study from the UN shows that monoculture can ameliorate food security and nutrition by adding the quantum of seafood available for people toeat. However, monoculture increases food product, boosts profitable growth in littoral and pastoral areas, If done rightly.
Track 2: Fish culture
Fish culture is the process of raising desirable species of fishes in prison and managing them and their terrain to ameliorate growth and reduplication. Fishes are reared in fish granges, or hatcheries, much as ranch creatures are raised in the barnyard.
Through monoculture, our abysses, swell, and inland freshwaters hold huge implicit to give us with increased quantities of healthy and nutritional food. This is demanded to feed an ever growing mortal population so monoculture helps us with our' food security'.
The aspects of fish culture practice involve the use of organic coprolites and inorganic diseases in phytoplankton product that's the part of husbandry practice, still minding, rearing, breeding of fishes are coming under beast husbandry
Track 3: Mariculture
Mariculture is an exertion involving food product for mortal consumption. It's an exertion in which submarine organisms both shops and creatures are dressed in a confined terrain in the submarine medium which may be fully marine or marine mixed to colorful degrees with freshwater in the brackishwater areas.
Monoculture is husbandry of swab water and brackish organisms like finfish, crustaceans molluscs and submarine shops. Mariculture, on the other hand is a technical sect of monoculture that's accepted in marine surroundings.
Track 4: Pond culture
Pond culture is a veritably popular monoculture product system with numerous submarine species dressed in ponds. To have successful pond product, ponds must be duly sited and erected, with careful assessment of water vacuity, volume, and quality
Advantages of pond culture include its simplicity, and fairly low labor conditions ( piecemeal from the harvesting of the fish). It also has low energy conditions. A major disadvantage is that the ranch operation is more dependent on rainfall and other natural factors that are beyond the planter's control.
They're an important source of food, sanctum, and shade for the small creatures that live in the pond. They also serve to reduce evaporation, purify water by removing redundant minerals, help the overgrowth of algae, and indeed control the mosquito population.
Track 5: Shrimp culture
In the grow-out phase, the shrimp are grown to maturity. The postlarvae are transferred to ponds where they're fed until they reach marketable size, which takes about another three to six months. Gathering the shrimp is done by fumbling them from the ponds using nets or by draining the ponds.
Shrimp husbandry is an monoculture business that exists in either a marine or brackish terrain, producing shrimp or prawns (crustaceans of the groups Caridea or Dendrobranchiata) for mortal consumption.
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Track 6: Sustainable Aquaculture
sustainable Monoculture is the civilization of submarine organism for marketable purposes by means that have a good natured impact on the terrain, contribute to original social community development and to induce an profitable profit.
At 30 million tons per time, seaweeds are the most dressed submarine organism. They're the most sustainable monoculture product as they actually ameliorate the terrain by absorbing waste nitrogen and phosphorous, without any feed input.
Ultramodern sustainable approach of monoculture produces lower waste and lower carbon-nitrogen vestiges than husbandry product sector. So there's a need for sustainable development in monoculture, which has the implicit to address the challenges monoculture facing moment.
Track 7: Water Quality Management
Water quality operation is a generally used and kindly vague expression pertaining to the ( methodical) operation of a set of specialized andnon-technical measures and conditioning, to maintain or ameliorate quality according to the conditions of water uses and to" cover"ecosystems.
It's important to cover water quality to insure that it's safe for humans to drink it as well as for wildlife, and marine life. Regarding anchorages, it's important to measure water quality to understand environmental impacts and to not harm ocean life.
Track 8: Aquaculture Disease & Health Management
Biosecurity measures in monoculture can keep the safety of a installation from certain complaint-causing agents that are absent in particular system. Ranch- position biosecurity measures include strict counterblockade measures, egg disinfection, business control, water treatments, clean feed, and disposal of mortalities.
A biosecurity plan helps help complaint and maintain biosecurity in monoculture surroundings. When developing a biosecurity plan, consider your current practices, including planning and design, introducing new creatures, dealing with sick creatures, chemical operation and records operation.
Track 9: Fisheries
There are two main types of fisheries Inland fisheries and marine fisheries. Inland or Fresh Water Fisheries Inland fishery deals with the fishery aspects of waters other than marine water.
Fishing means to catch fish and other effects related to this. On the other hand, Fisheries means the operation system to produce fish. Fishing is the act of trying to catch a fish while fisheries is a noun, a ecosystem in which fish may be caught.
Small-scale fisheries and monoculture make critical benefactions to development in the areas of employment, with over 41 million people worldwide, the vast maturity of whom live in developing countries, working in fish product; food security and nutrition, with fish constituting an important source of nutrients.
Track 10: Marine Ecology & Biological Oceanography
Biological oceanography is analogous to marine biology, but is different because of the perspective used to study the ocean. Biological oceanography takes a bottom up approach (in terms of the food web), while marine biology studies the ocean from a top down perspective.
Marine biology is the study of marine organisms, their actions and relations with the terrain. Marine biologists study natural oceanography and the associated fields of chemical, physical, and geological oceanography to understand marine organisms.
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Track 11: Permaculture
Permaculture is an approach to land operation and agreement design that adopts arrangements observed in flourishing natural ecosystems. It includes a set of design principles deduced using whole- systems thinking.
Permaculture auditoriums use ways and practices that combine the stylish of wildlife gardening, comestible landscaping, and native- factory civilization into one low- conservation, tone- contained and productive ecosystem
Track 12: Aquatic toxicology
Submarine toxicology is the study of the goods of manufactured chemicals and other anthropogenic and natural accoutrements and conditioning on submarine organisms at colorful situations of association, from subcellular through individual organisms to communities and ecosystems.
What are submarine manures? Chemicals included in the order of submarine toxin represent a substantial damage to living organisms and mortal health through submarine exposure. Goods include among others, damage to the reproductive, vulnerable, endocrine and/ or nervous systems, cancer and indeed death.
Track 13: Sustainable aquaculture
Sustainable Monoculture is a dynamic conception and the sustainability of an monoculture system will vary with species, position, societal morals and the state of knowledge and technology. Several instrument programs have made progress in defining crucial characteristics of sustainable monoculture.
Sustainable monoculture is the civilization of submarine organism for marketable purposes by means that have a good natured impact on the terrain, contribute to original social community development and to induce an profitable profit.
At 30 million tons per time, seaweeds are the most dressed submarine organism. They're the most sustainable monoculture product as they actually ameliorate the terrain by absorbing waste nitrogen and phosphorous, without any feed input.
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Nursing Education-2022 | ENT-2022 | Oral Health-2022 | Nephrology-2022 | Vaccines -2022 | Hepatitis-2022 | Eye Care-2022 | Neonatology-2022 | Pulmonogy-2022 | Optics-2022 | Psychology-2022 | Probiotics2022 |Aquaculture-2022 | Food Tech-2022
Agriculture can facilitate economic conditions, increase incomes and improve the food security of 80% of the world's poor, who work mainly in agriculture. With modern farming techniques, the market is growing using improved seeds, chemicals and fertilizers. Further, the use of sensors and the growing adoption of livestock facial recognition is facilitating the growth of the market. The growing government support for the development of new agricultural techniques and the global awareness of the benefits of agriculture over the years is expected to stimulate the growth of the agricultural market in the future period.
The modern world has replaced home-cooked foods with processed foods, which has resulted in the growth of the processed food industry. The global food processing equipment market is driven by increasing consumer demand for processed food, emphasis on food safety and worker safety, growing need to increase productivity, increasing concentration of manufacturers of food products to reduce manufacturing costs and government support to grow food Processing sector.
Aquaculture is also becoming the fastest growing food production sector in the world. With the increase in population, the demand for aquatic food products is also increasing. Production from capture fisheries has increased and most of the major fishing grounds have reached their maximum potential. Sustaining fish supplies through the capture of fisheries will not meet the growing global demand for aquatic food.
Scope and Importance
Agriculture, food and aquaculture are an important source of national income for developing countries. The global food technology market expands significantly by 2022, the expected growth of the food technology market exceeds $ 250.43 billion. The global probiotic ingredients and supplements market reached $ 23.1 billion in 2012, $ 27.1 billion in 2013, and could reach $ 36.7 billion in 2018. The processed food industries are also valued at over of $ 2 trillion in the world and regroup more than 400,000 companies. The aquaculture market was valued at USD 156.27 billion in 2015 and is expected to reach USD 209.42 billion in 2021. This growth is attributed to a number of factors such as suitable weather conditions, availability of natural resources and a low-wage workforce. In addition, North America and Europe are expected to experience significant growth in the near future.
Participating authors are answerable for registration, travel, and hotel costs. Note: Those with submitted abstracts will get an acknowledgment mail enabling them to enroll for the gathering.
Abstracts will be compiled, and conference books are made available to participants at the conference.
Any presenter who is unable to attend should arrange for another qualified individual to present the paper/poster in question. If such a change is necessary, please notify our conference team
Oral paper introductions will have 30-minute schedule time slot. The keynote session will have for 45-minute presentation duration, workshop/special session will have 1-hour long schedule opening and symposium will have 1-hour long availability followed by 5-minute Q&A session.
Graduate and master’s understudies are qualified to present their abstracts under poster and e-poster presentation category.
Ph.D. understudies are qualified to submit their abstract under special YRF (Young Researcher's Forum), poster and e-poster presentation category.
NOTE: YRF category includes short oral presentation especially for Ph. D. students
Extended abstract: Submissions should utilize the Abstract Template. Papers submitted in this category may represent original empirical research, theoretical development, reviews, or critiques.
Participation Options and Benefits
PARTICIPATION OPTIONS: Physiotherapy Conference provides the participants with different modes or ways to participate such as Delegate or Speaker under either ACADEMIC / STUDENT / BUSINESS Category. Mode of participation is Online through Power Point Presentation/ Video Presentation on Cisco Webinars.
- Keynote speaker: 45-50 minutes
- Speaker (oral presentation): 25-30 minutes (only one person can present)
- Speaker (workshop): 45-50 minutes (more than 1 can present)
- Speaker (special session): 45-50 minutes (more than 1 can present)
- Speaker (symposium): more than 45 minutes (more than 1 can present)
- Delegate(only registration): will have access to all the sessions with all the benefits of registration
- Poster presenter: can present a poster and enjoy the benefits of delegate
- Remote attendance: can participate via video presentation or e-poster presentation
- Exhibitor: can exhibit his/her company’s products by booking exhibitor booths of different sizes
- Media partner
- Sponsor
- Collaborator
For more details about each mode, kindly contact: https://aquaculture.global-summit.com/
Benefits of Joining Conference :
- Get your abstract published with DOI
- Get Certified for your participation
- Reduced Costs Affordability
- Knock Down Geographical Barriers
- Convenience from comfort of your own home or from work
- They’re Archived: Ability to view events in the recording
- Great resource for learning new career skills
- Learn from the Pros
- Global exposure to your research
- Make new connections
- Significant time saving
- Increased engagement
- Wider Reach
- More Engaging
- Position yourself as the expert
- Get your abstracts published with unique DOI in International Journals
- Get up to 50% discounts for publishing your entire article in our open access International Journals
- Get Handbooks and conference kits
- Get an access to the network with eminent personalities from worldwide.
To share your views and research, please click here to register for the Conference.
To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World
Conference Date | May 28-29, 2022 | ||
Sponsors & Exhibitors |
Speaker Opportunity Closed | Day 1 | ||
Poster Opportunity Closed | Click Here to View |
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