Abdullah-Al Mmaun
Deaprtment of Fishereis and Marine Science, Noakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh
Mamun has his expertise in aquaculture system and its impact on food & nutritional security on seafood farming communities. Shrimp-prawn farming across the agro-ecologies in Bangladesh has given a new insights of the system and indicated that it is a family driven small scale polyculture system where cash crops provided higher economic return and other co-products supplies a substantial amount food fish in the domestic markets of Bangladesh. Omega-3 index of unmarried adolescent girls were in intermediate (Harris 2007) stage in higher saline areas while undesirable in lower saline areas agro-ecologies. The intra-household food allocation disparity still exist across the agro-ecologies and social well-being where the adolescent got the minimum share of food. A metric is being developed to understand the impact of aquaculture intervention on health outcomes based on these research works.