Vlastimil Stejskal
Title: Effect of Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatils L.) and pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) duoculture in recirculating aquaculture system
Vlastimil Stejskal has completed his Ph.D. at the age of 28 years at Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters of University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice. He is the lab leader of Laboratory of controlled reproduction and intensive fish culture. He has published or co-authored 19 papers in reputed journals with IF.
Recently, the intensive aquaculture (monoculture) of both species Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis) and pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) mainly in recirculation aquaculture systems is raised in Europe. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of monoculture and three different duoculture groups of these two percids on growth performance, survival and feed utilization. Five months-old pond-reared and habituated perch (Pe) and pikeperch (Sa) with initial weight of 11.3±2.2 and 11.4±2.1g, respectively were used in growth trial lasted 82 days. Fifteen tanks (70 L) of special construction allowed separation and counting of uneaten food were used and the fish were equally divided to 5 groups with tree replicates. Each tank contained 80 fish. Duoculture groups contained 75% of perch and 25% of pikeperch (75Pe25Sa), 50% of perch and 50% of pikeperch (50Pe50Sa) and 25% of perch and 75% of pikeperch (25Pe75Sa) were established. Moreover, monoculture of perch (100Pe) and pikeperch (100Sa) were tested as two controls. Significantly higher (p < 0.05) final body weight was found for pikeperch in group 25Pe75Sa compare to monoculture group (100Ca). Moreover, significantly lower final body weight was found for perch in group 75Pe25Sa compare to monoculture group (100Pe). Intraspecific comparison showed significantly better growth potential for pikeperch.There were significant difference in FCR between groups with better food utilization in group 25Pe75Sa followed by monoculture of pikeperch. Poorest FCR was found in duoculture combinations with majority of perch. Especially, comparison of monocultures presented better food utilization for pikeperch than perch. There was no significant difference in mortality between groups.

Silveira C. R
Fisheries Research Center
Title: Surveillance for the prevention and control of diseases in Cuban aquaculture.
Raquel Silveira Coffigny has completed PhD in Biological Research Center from Baja California Sur, Mexico. She conducted research in: linking variations blood parameters with pathologies and environmental changes; diagnosis of viral, bacterial and parasitic diseases interest in aquaculture farming, and the use of plant extracts for the control of diseases. She has heading projects: Implementation of National Aquatic Health System, Management of invasive aquatics species for commercial exploitation. She is Deputy Director of Fisheries Research Center of Cuba for SeaFood Safety and Aquaculture Health. She is member of the editorial committee of the Cuban Journal Fisheries Research. She published more than 30 papers in indexed journals.
The animal aquatic health surveillance programs have become a requirement for the effective management of sustainable aquaculture. In 2005 was implemented in Cuba, a program based on Monitoring for pathogen and disease detection, as well as the implementation of biosecurity principles, systematic preparation of stakeholders, implementation of modern diagnostic techniques, prevention and control, use and application of effective medicines, environmentally safe. In freshwater fish (tilapia, carp and catfish) surveillance was established for detection of bacterial hemorrhagic septicemia and protozoa and helminth parasites. In marine fishes Lutjanus analis, Centropomus undecimalis and Rachycentrum canadum surveillance was established for detection Viral Encephalopathy and Retinopathy (VER), Vibrio and other pathogenic bacteria in cobia and protozoa and helminth parasites. Shrimp surveillance was established for listed OIE virus. Sampling was random and the sample size was calculated for 95 % confidence in detecting a single infection with 5 % prevalence. The diagnosis was made by conventional and molecular biology techniques. No detected none of the viral diseases OIE listed for L. vannamei. New pathogens were detected, three viruses in shrimp Litopenaeus schmitti, one bacterial disease in L. vannamei, were identified 23 new parasites and 5 new pathogenic bacteria in fishes. Drugs and antibiotics were tested as safe for use in the aquaculture; more than 15 natural medicines for the prevention and control of ectoparasites and bacteria were applied. The program has been effective and early detection of pathogens, has allowed the design of health management systems to reduce economic losses from disease outbreaks.