Dr. Newman is experienced in many facets of the science of aquaculture and many allied scientific disciplines. He has worked with banks, governments, insurance companies, university researchers, venture capitalists and equity firms, farm owners, farmers, processing plants, NGOs and others at all levels of the process with multiple species. He is a Fish Health Official for Canada, a Title 50 USFWS certifying official, has licensed two of the six drugs currently approved for sale in the US into aquaculture with the FDA (formalin and tricaine), licensed multiple vaccines for fish in the US and Canada with the USDA and Ag Canada, has administered more than a million dollars in grants, is HACCP, ISO 22000 and SA 8000 trained, is an auditor for the ACC, qualified to audit multiple fish and crustacean species at the farm, hatchery and processing plants and has extensive knowledge of pathology, animal husbandry, ecology, genetics, immunology, biotechnology, microbiology (environmental, food and water), fermentation science and physical chemistry. He holds one patent and has developed many products for AquaInTech, Inc., designed to promote sustainability in farmed fish and shrimp.